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Tribunal Rules Dial The-sack Out Of Order
A DRIVER'S dismissal was unfair because it was given by telephone although his employer had good reason to sack him. That was the verdict of Manchester Industrial Tribunal when......
Swedish Takeover
HALLSPEDITION th Tilbury-based trailer operatoi has been taken over by Rot . Line UK Ltd, part of th Swedish Johansson Group. A spokesman for Hallsped. tion told CM that his......
Break Down In Style
A NEW 24-hour breakdown service for commercial vehicles is to be set up by Transport Information Computing Ltd of Greenwich. TICL says the new scheme will guarantee a breakdown......
Fuel Up
FUEL prices in France jumped sharply last week as th , French Government passed oi the recent OPEC price in crease to consumers. Diesel went up by the equi valent of 20p a......