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Heavier Vehicles Must Wait
refer to your report on the avidence by the Council for the protection of Rural England to he Armitage Inquiry, entitled• 'Better roads call' (CM De:ember 8). Although the......
Leyland Are First-class Vehicles
In G. Johnson's letter, (CM December 29) regarding the Leyland T45 he appears to be confusing BL's car plants with LV's truck plants when he says workers are sleeping on the......
I'm Backing Leyland
I never cease to be amazed that our captains of industry, whose whole object in life is to make profit and to confine their investments in plant and machinery which will produce......
Cb Problem In Britain
Several reports have appeared in CM regarding the use of Citizen Band radio. A few weeks ago I did a trip from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Toronto via Bangor, Portland, Augusta,......
No B55s At Merseyside
I note in your issue (CM De comber 15) that on page 2z under the heading "GMT buy! Volvo" that you indicate that thr B55s are operated by all othe PTEs except Tyne & Wear. Fe......