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Heavy Dumpers For Middle East
A N order for 10 heavy-duty dumpers based on Leyland Super-Hippo EH10B1, 15-ft. 6-in, wheelbase chassis, and 25 tippers based on Leyland Comet ECO2/2L 10-ft. 5-in, wheelbase......
New East Midland Terminal
T HE new garage and terminal buildings at Worksop of East Midland Motor Services, Ltd,, were officially opened by the Mayor of Worksop, alr. C. Harrison, last week. During the......
One-make Tanker Trailer
U NTIL recently it has been necessary for operators purchasing a tankertrailer to order a tank and trailer separately, and arrange for one manufacturer to mount another's......
No Smoking On Buses In Belfast?
A MOVE to ban smoking in all Belfast Corporation buses and trolleybuses is to be made at the next meeting of the transport committee. Cl1r. W. R. Boyd has asked the Town Clerk,......
New David Brown Five-speed Gearbox
D ESIGNATED the model 552, a new five-speed gearbox has been introduced by David Brown Industries, Ltd., Huddersfield. It has been developed to replace the 45 and 045 units......