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O N Will The Plating And Testing Regula
tions allow me to tow a trailer with a 1964 Bedford 8-tonner fitted with airassisted brakes? If so, would the trailer have to come within certain limits as to weight, length and......
Q Who Manufactures The Cambist Automatic Change Giver...
A This change-giving machine is of Swedish design and is the type used by Coventry Corporation Transport on its one-man doubledeckers. It is the hook-on type with a back plate,......
Understand Official Comparisons Were Recently Given As...
and costs of services by either rail, oach, car or air. What were the details? We presume you are referring to the in formation given in report No. 72 of the IB concerning the......
What Are The Current And Proposed Regulations Governing...
A These are as follows:—......
Q What Regulation Prohibits A Vehicle Being Left On The...
A Regulation 95 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1966 No. 1288 lays down that no person shall cause or permit any motor vehicle to be on the road which......
Q How Do The Operating Costs Of A 16
ton-payload artic compare with one of 22-ton payload for the mileage ranges of 800, 1,000 and 1,200 miles a week? And how do the ton-mile figures compare? A The following are......
Q How Does The Turn-over Of Platform Staff Compare With...
A For the year ending January 31 1968 turn-over of all platform staff was as follows: drivers 26.1 per cent and conductors 48.4 per cent. For all garage staff the percentages......
0 . In View Of The Pending Introduction Of Heavy Goods
vehicle driving tests, wish to gain some experience In this field. I would be pleased if you could advise me whether there are any training facilities available at the moment.......