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* Curious
In these days of amalgamations, of joint ventures and PTAs, it is interesting to note that Ramsbottom Urban District Council has broken away from its two partnersRawtenstall and......
*new Angle
Here's a new angle on staff outings. This year a number of firms are taking their staff to the LDOY final at Braincote on September 8. The national secretary is making......
*sleep 'n Ride?
Linking of hotels and transport in this country has not really gone very far, even though ; State-owned facilities have been grouped in various ways under successive parcels of......
*musical Ride
Liverpool, home of pop music and new ideas, is trying a novel way of reducing the huge deficit now plaguing the Corporation's transport department. Commercial advertising, along......
*mbe For Rso
Talking of Liverpool, I see that the city's road safety officer, Ben Kinley, was awarded the MBE in the Birthday Honours—one that we missed in our official list a few weeks......