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Nbc Services Threat
THE NATIONAL Bus Company will have to cut back on its services or increase its fares above the level of inflation, according to the House of Commons Select Committee on......
Kowloon Coaches
KOWLOON Motor Bus Company has placed its first ever fully air-conditioned double' deck coach in service in Hong Kong. The Alexander-bodied coach, on a Dennis Jubilant chassis,......
Hop On... Hop Off
NATIONAL EXPRESS has introduced an airline style "walkon, walk-off" stand-by ticket arrangement to help fill empty seats on its London and North-west and Birmingham coach......
Schools Switch
VALE OF LLANGOLLEN Tours have been granted permission to convert three school contract services into stage carriage services, despite objections by another operator. The North......
Royal Day
GREATER Manchester Transport's Bury bus and rail interchange was officially opened on Wednesday by Princess Alexandra. The interchange, which cost £4m, became operational on......