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Who Pays The Piper?
AS A COUNCILLOR for 13 years (and a training officer with the Board for 12) I felt bound to congraulate you on the editorial (CM June 14) on the rating question. You are......
Reasons To Buy British
PREDICTABLY, the - Buy British argument has been raging since it became apparent that recession was upon us. The reasons for the decline in British industry are both internal......
Time To Scrap The Rtitb
I REFER to recent comments as to the value (or otherwise) of the RTITB. May I suggest that all of your readers write to their MPs to ask that this body be scrapped. I have......
Wrong Turning On Roads
"TIME is running out for London"' was a most apposite headline for your excellent feature on our capital city's deplorable road network (CM June 21). You are quite right to be......