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VAN HOOL AGENTS II Calling bus and coach service operations: Carlisle Works, the NBC engineering subsidiary that is the main UK parts and service agent for Van Hool coach......
Tender Talk • London Regional Transport Is Seeking...
from operators in 10 of its bus routes, including one in Central London involving the leasing of LRT-owned Volkswagen LT55 Optare City Pacer midibuses. The other nine routes......
DOWTY PRINTER • A raciioprinter system developed originally in Australia has been launched in this country by Dowty Information Systems, of Chippenham in Wiltshire. The......
DATABANK • We are often asked at CM for the names of companies supplying computer software for road transport. There is a plethora of specialised software available, but......
Vat Rules Ok • Rules Concerning The Onsdeclaration Of Vat
and default interest charges are due to be introduced in July 1988. They were provided for in the 1985 Finanace Act and are designed to speed up the submission of returns and......
Hazardous • The Government's Health And Safety Executive...
a new guidance note covering the operation of diesel-engined lift trucks in hazardous areas. For the purposes of the publication, hazardous areas are defined as areas where......
Adr Bgok • A New One-volume Edition Ot The European
Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was published this week by the Department of Transport. The book includes the international......
Prices Renault/dodge • Renault Truck Industries Increased...
July 1. The Dodge 50 Series rose by an average of 5.1%, the Commando range by 3.6% and the Renault G Range went up by an average of 6%. The price of the Renault R310 tractive......
Fuel Diesel Prices • These Are The Latest Diesel Prices,
payable at the pump in Europe and Scandinavia. They were compiled by the International Road Trans port Union (TRU): Price per Country litre (pence) Austria 36 Belgium 29 Denmark......