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Nissan Diesel Moves Into Europe
• The Japanese assault on the European commercial vehicle market has been strengthened, with the news that Nissan Diesel trucks are to be built in Ireland. An initial 400 trucks......
Be Special To Survive Says 3i
• Specialist carriers are faring best in the economic downturn says venture capital group 3i, which invested 23m in 40 freight, haulage and transport companies in the 12 months......
Philips In Nedlloyd Deal
• Philips is planning to sell its Dutch transport and forwarding organisation to Dutch-based international operator Nedlloyd. This follows the sale of Phi lips' UK distribution......
Italy's Turn For Transit Trouble
• Italy, which has taken over the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers, is emphasising the need to reach a deal over truck transit arrange ments through Austria, Yugoslavia......