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Continental Diversification
Q We have been thinking of diversifying into Continental refrigerated transport and have been offered some second-hand trailers at reasonable prices. Two of the trailers, we are......
Society Set On Banning Trucks
Q I have been at my L./operating centre for seven years. We have applied to renew the licence with no changes and the only difference now is that we operate (and have for the......
Pink Licences
n At the present time HGV licences are issued and revoked by the Licensing Authority for the traffic area in which the applicant resides, but what will happen when pink licences......
Clarification Please
Q Do you think you could be of some assistance to me in clarifying a point concerning AETR drivers' hours? When on a journey that begins, finishes or just passes through an AETR......
Marker Board Overhang
Q At what length of overk../hang do we need to use a marker board? We carry boats and recently we were stopped and told by a police officer that we were illegal at 1.5m? WWII,......
Re-calibration Not Required
Q lf I add a tag axle to my tractor unit do I need to have my tachograph re-calibrated? QJ, Hailsham. A No, as long as the tyre sizes remain the same and you do not interfere......