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New Semitrailer For Royal Show
A NEW develop ment announced by Weeks and Co. (En g ineers) Ltd.. Oxford Street, Wincolmlee, Hull, is a 12-ton-capacity sin g leaxle semi-trailer with fifth-wheel couplin g . An......
Remove Bus Fuel Tax'
THE removal of the tax on fuel oil used by buses would be a major contribution towards the improvement of urban and rural transport services and would brin g about some security......
Urban Vehicle Design—and Pay-as-you-go?
A NEW, two-pron g ed attack on the problem of traffic in towns was disclosed by Mr. Marples in the Commons on Wednesday. He told M.P.s that: the future desi g n o f road......
'concessionary' Study
"THE Prime Minister fast week promised I to make a "very limited" examination of any cases in which old people are sufferin g as a result of the 1955 Act dealin g with......
No Lorry Ban, No N Ew Smoke Controls
NAR. MARPLES this week refused to in take steps to discoura g e lorry traffic on main roads out of _lar g e towns durin g the rush hour. He told Mr. John Parker (Lab., Da g......