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Approval For Transporters Functional Group
A T a well-attended meeting of car transporter operators in London on Monday. virtually unanimous approval was given to the proposal to set up a car transporter functional group......
Scottish And Northern Tipper Groups Discuss Interworking
"C LOSING the gate before the horse has a chance to bolt" was one of the phrases used in describing the purpose of the first-ever joint consultative meeting between tipper......
T.r.t.a. Opposition
A N official objection to proposals for peak-hour bans on goods vehicles in streets around the centre of Reading has been lodged by the Traders Road Transport Association. The......
Improve Links Between Docks And Carriers T Here Was...
for improvement in the consultative arrangements between the docks authorities and the providers of transport, especially at national level, commented Mr. C. Bleasdale, British......
Brake Standards Must Be Flexible
W HILST accepting the need for specific braking efficiencies (as proposed in conjunction with the new weights and dimensions regulations) the T.R.T.A. vehicles committee......