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Bogie Option For Noise Tests Merriworth Kangaroos Proposed
• Although TIR semi-trailers designed for piggy-back transport by the Kangaroo system, as employed on French Railways, need no longer be equipped with a special......
• Special Noise Tests For Commercial And Private Vehicles...
two years' old are being proposed by Mr Michael McNair Wilson, Conservative MP for Walthamstow E. He is asking Mr John Peyton to introduce a new annual certificate to be issued......
Bulk Body To Flat Platform
• Belt discharge bulk bodies that can be readily converted to flat bodies have been introduced by York Trailer. Construction of the bulk carriers is based on a York coil -......
Bonallack Eurovan venture • As part of a European expansion plan, Pitt Trailers of Wigan announce ajoint venture with Freight-Bonallack for a new range of trailer vans. Known as......