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Publications Equipment Guide For Land Rovers • Land Rover...
& Equipment has produced a new 20page equipment and accessory brochure for Land Rovers. Giving full details of the current range, the guide lists the specification and relevant......
WEIGHTICKET PRINTER • Weighbridge specialist E&A Ashworth of Dewsbury (0924 462143), has developed a new weighbridge printer suitable for a general haulage office. The Crown......
CONTRACT HIRE SEMINARS • Fleetdrive, the Bristolbased contract hire company, is organising two seminars on contract hire specifically for health authorities. The first will be......
• O-STEAL STEEL SEAL • Blair Security Products is launching a cargo seal which can be used with most types of vehicle and container. The steel-and-aluminium seals are about......
TELEPHONES FOR TRUCKS • Pan European Mobilefone, a dealership offering British Telecom cab phones and radio pagers with the "road haulage industry very much in mind" has opened......
CHART FUNDS CRANFIELD FELLOW • Contract hire firm Chart Services is funding a teaching and research fellowship in logistics at Cranfield School of Management. The award will......
• London and the South East M11 Essex: J647, CF. M27 Hampshire: J344, CF. 35, LR. M3 Hampshire: J749, CF. 38, EB access C. J7, access to motorway restricted. M4 Thames Valley:......