Page 38

• What On Earth Is Going On Here? Is This
the leader of the newly formed Iveco Ford Symphony Orchestra? Is he an inmate at the freshly established Iveco Ford Hospice for the Bewildered? Well, I am assured by the......
• The Rapid Development Of Inner London Has Spawned The
birth of a very unsavoury creature — the fly-tipper. Gangland crooks have got such a grip on fly-tipping operations that councils are refusing to send out their staff after them......
• I See That The Beastie Boys Cult Of Removing
Volkswagen badges from the fronts of vehicles has attracted a new following among the men at MAN-VW in Swindon. The new MANG90 unlike its predecessor, has no VW badges. I see......
• Cats Might Have Nine Lives But One French Cat Has...
Top Cat, the one-year-old tabby, decided to run away from it all and apply for asylum in Britain. To do this he had to get to Britain first. Top Cat hid in the back of a lorry......