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John Bell Transport Manager Huntapac Produce Preston,...
of the working time rules, John Bell sides with those who believe ownerdrivers should remain exempt from them, "The problem is who is going to monitor the hours they put in? In......
Martin Barnes Project Manager Navarm Somerset
"Owner-drivers should be included and should have been from day one," says Martin Barnes, referring to Brussels' recent U-turn. "If you're going to have a rule, then everyone......
Charles Burke Owner-driver/truck Dealer Irs Engineering...
Charles Burke supports owner-drivers' right to remain exempt from working time rules, but only because he is vehemently opposed to the entire directive, anyway. Tye never been......
Director Ep Training Leatherhead, Surrey Should...
Yes, they should, is Ed Pargeter's view. But he concedes it would be extremely hard to monitor whether or not they are. "I'm quite surprised that they have been allowed to......