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Tesidents Fight Back
N ENVIRONMENTAL - essure group has stepped up ; pressure for residents to be yen a right of appeal against IC grant of operators' :ences. Transport 2000, which had ; request for......
Ic Wants Permit Increase
NOTHER big increase in e size of the EEC quota of ternational haulage permits permitting lorries to ierate anywhere inside the ommon Market — has been . oposed for next year by......
Wincanton In French Link
WINCANTON Chilled Distribution has linked with one of Europe's biggest fridge hauliers, French-owned Transports Frigorifiques litiropeens (TFE). Wincanton Chilled has done the......
Toyota Brings In Lite-ace
TOYOTA will reinforce its UK light commercial vehicle range early in 1986 with the Lite-Ace compact van. The 1.86-tonne GVW LiteAce is already sold in Europe, and will be......
Nissan Beats Japanese Quota
FROM the start of 1986, all Nissan Patrol 4X4 models sold in Britain will be built by Motor lberica in Spain, rather than by Nissan in Japan. The move will allow Nissan UK to......