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Start Running Buses, Hauliers Are Urged
A MAJOR publicity campaign — aimed partly at hauliers — over the Government's bus deregulation policy is to be mounted by the Government, "Fransport Secretary Nicholas Ridley......
Bid Now To Glc, Says Fta
OPERATORS without exemption permits from the Greater London Council's lorry ban should make urgent applications, according to the Freight Transport Association. It also expects......
Ridley Fights Lorry Ban
THE GOVERNMENT this week launched its hid to quash the High Court decision supporting the GLC heavy lorry ban. Robert Alexander, QC, claimed that the GLC acted improperly by......
Hub Puts Independent In The Pink
INDEPENDENT Express has gained approval from its parent company, the Transport Development Group, for the development of a new hub centre and headquarters on a 5.1 acre freehold......