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Less Fuel Used By 2000?
SAVINGS of 25 per cent in transport fuel consumption could be achieved by the year 2000, and this saving would be gained through greater fuel efficiency of new vehicles and a......
Iymasters Have Appomgrundberg Shipping Ab As Agents In...
undberg has offices at Pitea Lulea, with its main base at ikoldsvik. Under Christer !en the company will act as . arding agent for Ferrymastraffic to and from Northern den.......
Lex Joins Lease Drive
LEX Tillotson is to join Leyland Vehicles and Lombard North Central Ltd in starting a comprehensive lorry leasing campaign. Lex will also be supplying a comprehensive back-up......
The Decision Of A Deputy Licensing Authority For The...
Traffic Area that an additional transport manager was needed by Marley Building Supplies Ltd has been rejected by the Transport Tribunal. The company was not prepared to......