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Air Traffic Threat—vital Principle Involved
Bus Operators and B.T.C. Fight Air Board's Ruling A BATTLE of principle is at present being fought out in London, the outcome of which may prove to be of vital importance to......
The Budget
From our Political Correspondent IN his Budget speech on Monday, Mr. i Selwyn Lloyd consolidated the 10 per cent. surcharge on petrol and derv, imposed last July, into a new tax......
N.u.r. Attack Haulage
A VIOLENT attack on the road haulage industry was made last week in "The Railway Review," official organ of the National Union of Railwaymen. Under • the headline, 'This Traffic......
Heavy Goods Driving Licences?
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT S PECIAL heavy goods vehicle licences for drivers of vehicles exceeding three tons unladen are proposed by the leaders of the Conservative......