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Haulage Wages, Hours, Staffing
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE steadily growing earnings of road haulage employees is forcibly brought out in a new Government publication issued last week. It shows how......
January Figures— Production Steady ; Exports Improving
A VERAGE weekly output of commer1-1 cial vehicles during January, 1962 (8,348) was equal to the weekly average for the December, 1961, quarter but some 121 per cent. below the......
Last Of London's Trolleybuses
TH E last seven trolleybus routes in London, all in the south-west, are to be converted to bus operation on May 9 under the fourteenth and final stage of London Transport's......
Taxation's Harm
in the haulage industry cannot VT look forward to European competition in transport with much hope against the background of penal taxation applied in this country and affecting......