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Asx Passenger
Commissioners turn down Berks appeal AN APPEAL by Berkshire County Council against a 25 per cent fares increase approved by Traffic Commissioners within the county last April......
A TENFOLD increase in the number of buses with top-deck music tapes should help yield over £28,000 for Greater Manchester Transport. Public reaction to 10 buses bitted with......
Commuter Weymanns
THE FIRST Alexander-bodied Metro-Cammell Weymann Metrobus is being handed over to Scottish Bus Group's Alexander (Midland) fleet on Easter Monday. The 13ft 10in semilowheight......
Watford Services
NEW BUS services introduced in Watford are being publicised under the banner name of Watfordwide. London Country introduced the new pattern of routes at the beginning of this......
Midlands Shapes Up Garages
GARAGE modernisation fig ures large in West Midland. PTE's 1979/80 capital pro gramme. It is devoting £800,00 , towards the second stage o the £1.5m reconstruction of it......