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Ides Committee
On A licences the N.F.U. has little :omment to make; members have uggested that A-licensed operators hould be allowed greater freedom in ' touting" for business and that too......
Dennis Demonstrat Extricator D Emonstrations Were Given...
Ltd. the Extricator, which, as reported in TI Commercial. Motor, October 18, perforn the same function as a differential lot and consists of a solid shaft with rolle at its ends......
News In Brief Committed For Trial: At Thames Magistrates...
London, on Tuesday, Arthur Daniel Knight, William Andrew Bradley, Robert Henry Lewis and John Michael Jolly were committed for trial on charges of conspiracy and theft, each......
L.d.o.y. Centres Will Do It Their Way
S UBJECT to the stipulation that the notify the national committee of th Lorry Driver of the Year Competition c any adverse publicity in the local Pres after an event that could......