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Undertaking Made 'under Duress,' L.a. Told
r was preposterous to suggest that long lengths of steel that overhang vehicles ould he carried manifestly safer on long:nth trailers, the Northern Licensing ,uthority, Mr. J.......
Scottish Whinsto Ne Bid Is Refused
'IN Monday. in Edinburgh, Scottish Whinstone Quarries Ltd, and Limmer ind Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd.. 7ere refused an arrangement which vould have allowed Scottish.......
Birch Bros. Ap Peal Dismissed
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Birch Brothers Ltd. against the decision of the Eastern ['raffle Commissioners in refusing to grant in full a variation of......
Experimental Excursions A Success F Ollowing An Agreement...
(Tours) Ltd. and Yelloway Motor Services Ltd., the North Western Traffic Commissioners granted one of the applications before them in principle, at Manchester on Monday. Mr. J.......