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Onffirm.cnrom Acsini:dijot
It is true that it would be fifficult to know either way ,vhether this rule had been :omplied with, but if you do find that there has been a neach, this will allow you to . ake......
Kink And Drugs
k duty to allow testing is )erfectly permissible, and you would ieed to get this in as a term of the :ontract against the background of a )olicy clearly explained and......
Lungs Which Only Look Like Msconduct
'our employee does a particular route to nd from one of your customers, a hemical works. Smoking is forbidden at he chemical works, and a security guard t the works reports that......
The Enforcement Of Standards
This is a big topic in itself, so we will break the subject down under the heading of natural justice (see tint box, right), which will help in following proper disciplinary......
Natural Justice
All disciplinary procedures should be designed and written to give effect to this legal principle. In any situation where an employee is accused of doing something wrong: • Make......
Employee Representation
At any hearing which might result in disciplinary action, the employee is entitled to a companion. This can be any trade union representative or a fellow employee. A companion......