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We're On The Road To Nowhere
Ile government has admitted that its 10-Year iransport Plan has failed, and congestion will rise iy a fifth over the next seven years. Jennifer Ball ooks at what it's trying to......
What Is The Government Doing To Ease Congestion?
TRAFFIC TSAR Alistair Darling (right) has announced plans to appoint a "Traffic Tsar" to oversee traffic In the UK. The director, who could be appointed as early as this year,......
Congestion Charging
Durham was the first UK city to introduce congestion charging, and has seen a reduction in traffic as a result. From 17 February charging will begin in London, while authorities......
Road Tolls The Government Plans To Introduce Road Tolls On
certain routes; the M6 toll route will open In 2004. Drivers will be required to pay a fee every time they travel up and down the motorway when they come on at a certain......
Road To Rail The Government Alms To Boost Rail Freight
by BO% by 2010. However, this plan has been put on a back burner after its move to slash more than 1300m from the Strategic Rail Authority's grants budget (CM23-29 January).......
Road Improvements Major Road Improvement Schemes Include...
the M6 between Manchester and Birmingham from three lanes to four and the provision of truck lanes and junction improvements on sections of the M4 and M5 near Bristol.......