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The Hours Are Demanding Enough
ONCE again, I step back in amazement at yet another change in the law detrimental to the lorry driver. I refer to the proposed increase in driving hours. As a lorry driver of 27......
Lower Derv But Not Other Costs
I AM pleased to see the price of dery is falling, long may it continue! Unfortunately the old cliche is correct — what you gain on the roundabouts you lose on the swings.......
No Help To The Ownerdriver
WITH reference to Topic (CM, June 8), the accusation that I "mean, poor, or stupid" (not to join a transport association) is a typical remark of someone who is sitting above the......
Webbing Side Guards
WE refer to your article in CM, Ma regarding the IRTE Show wherein y make reference to the webbing side guards displayed on a Don-Bur vehi at last year's show. We would like t(......
Plus 15
IN my letter (CM, June 15) you sho. the final paragraph my service with t RHA as being 12 years, but this shot be 27 years as stated in my original letter dated June 7. K. C.......