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Freight Computer Services
FCS is the National Freight Consortium's computer company. Its package for computerised daily scheduling is DiPS (Distribution Planning System). This started life in the......
fhe company's first customer for yload was Vaux Breweries in iderland. Now there are 10-12 npanies using Dayload and a further are having trials with the system. iynergy is now......
The program runs on a minicomputer although there is also a more basic version that can go on a micro. The range of Mover software necessary for daily scheduling costs upwards......
original scepticism was unfounded. Pactel, Rochester House, 33 Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QP. Tel: 01-828 7744. Scicon Scicon is a large computer software company and part of......
it is bought at the same time as the computer hardware from Scicon. Suitable hardware such, as the HewlettPackard 3000 minicomputer, costs £25£30,000. Only two Vanplan systems......