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• Dustcarts And Buses In The Southampton Area Are Not
only picking up rubbish and pedestrians, (in that order, one hopes), but also the odd criminal offender. A fleet of 100 radiocontrolled municipal vehicles, including tippers,......
• C&n Trucking Has Sent A Plea In To The
Hawk and all you fledglings out there to help raise cash for a special baby care unit in Carlyle. All you have to do is get along to the Newcastleton Agricultural Show on 26......
• British Drivers Are Being Held Up As An Example
to their West German counterparts by the west German Automobile Club, the KVDB. Many accidents in West Germany occur at road junctions, where drivers drive too fast and slip......
Iii Spare A Thought For The Poor Old Traffic Cops.
They have received a lot of bad publicity in recent months because of a spate of high-speed crashes following car chases. This week, the Hawk heard of a rather more bizarre and......
• A Purchaser Is Sought For A 7.6m Slippery Stainless
steel pole. The pole, priced at around £400, comes from Medway fire station in Kent. Apparently the firemen found the stairs were a lot quicker and safer.......
• Time For A Juicy Story. A Mansfield Road Was
flooded last week when a lorry dropped its load of drums containing 15,000 litres of orange squash. Firemen had to use thousands of litres of water to disperse it (to taste?).......
• Hauliers Involved In The Miner's Strike Of 1984 May
smile at the latest news from the National Union of Mineworkers. The first day of their annual conference in Scarborough had to be postponed — because of a strike, this time by......
• Overheard At The Truckfest South West Show: First...
Second driver: "Really, who does he drive for?"......
• We Are Not Alone With Transport Strike Problems. Bus
workers at the statecontrolled Sri Lanka Transport Board have now been out for four weeks. Security forces there have now been authorised to shoot anyone inciting people to......
• To Mark Its First Birthday, Thoroughbred Trucks Of Grimsby
has given a powered kerb climber wheelchair to local lad Grant Robinson. He is the first youngster to benefit from an ERF campaign.......
• Future Skills Shortages Are Forcing Employers To Search...
harder for their high-flying recruits. According to Roger Haywood, Scout assistant executive commissioner in charge of youth training, many employers have taken to approaching......