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Euro Fuel
• The European Central Standards Organisation (CEN) is working on a European specification for diesel fuels on behalf of the European Commission.......
New Discovery • Pictured For The First Time, Land Rover's
new Discovery which will be launched in September. It will be available with a new 2.5-litre turbo-diesel engine or. the 3.5-litre vee-eight petrol engine from the Ran g e......
Decision Soon • The Scottish Office Promises A Decision Soon
on Lothian Regional Council's plans for a 24-hour/day waitin g , loading and unloadin g ban in Prince's Street, Edinburgh.......
Bigger Rewards
• Several local authorities e takin g direct service organisation managers out of the national pay structure to reward them for winning contracts for in-house workforces.......
London Loss Ii South London Is Bein G Left Behind In
plans to improve orbital traffic in the home counties, warns Richard Diment, deputy director of the British Road Federation.......
London Bans
• Parking and waiting restrictions on main routes into Landon will be vigorously enforced to help keep the roads clear during the rail strike, says Transport Secretary Paul......
Task Force Calls Fol Lest Changes
• Major changes in annual CV tests are expected following the interim report from a Government task force investigating the rising number of trailer test failures.......
Volvo Bloin At Workington
• Leyland Bus is to build Volvo BlOM chassis at Workington, alon g side its Lynx and Olympian buslines. About 80 chassis will be produced durin g 1990, starting in April. They......
Bottomley In Call For Air
• Transport Minister Peter Bottomley this week hinted that the Government wants air suspensions on 40-tonne trucks when they are introduced into Britain in 1999. "We are......
Doubling Up
• Courier company Transam plans to double its franchise network to 70 UK depots by the end of 1989.......
Summer Sale
• Salford Van Hire has announced a 13% cut in its weekly hire rates for 16 tonne trucks during July and August.......
Travelling Show
• The Freight Transport Association will celebrate it: 100th anniversary on 26 July with the launch of a mobile exhibition on the his tory of freight transport. It will then be......
Tender Survey
• Less than a third of the 300 local authorities questioned in a national survey have put their services out to tender.......
Cedar Charged
• Worthing-based Cedar Travel has been called before the Traffic Commissioners charged with running PSVs with dangerous faults. The company plans to appeal and says: "Most of......