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Gt. Yarmouth Seeking Fare Increases
WORKERS' concessionary fares will be YV abolished on municipal buses at Great Yarmouth if the Eastern Traffic Commissioners agree to plans approved by the town council. The aim......
Endnationalization N. Ireland Plea
D EASONS put forward by Lord Glentoran, Northern Ireland's Minister of Commerce, for keeping road transport nationalized were rejected by the Unionist Conference last week. By......
A Haulier Was Disqualified From R. Driving For A Year
at Kilmarnock last week—for letting a man use a lorry with inefficient brakes. The haulier, Cohn Irving, Catrine, was also fined £5 after admitting the offence. He indicated......
Twins Granted Car Transporter
TWIN sisters Frances and Winifred k Taylor explained to the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. Alex Robertson, last week, how they came to be in the car delivery business.......