13th March 1959, Page 78
13th March 1959
Page 78

Page 78, 13th March 1959
E.t.u. Recognize Morris Commercial Strike
T HE strike of 32 maintenance electricians at the works or Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., at Adderley Park, Birmin g ham, was last week-61d reco g nized by the Electrical Trades......
Combined Effort Needed To Fight
Socialists, Says Mr. Watkinson THE Government and the Road I Haula g e Association must work to g ether in the battle a g ainst the Socialists' renationalization plans for road......
Ceylon's Buses Lose £396,825 In A 4'ear
IN its first full year of operation, the Ceylon Transport Board 'incurred a loss of £396,825. There was a loss every ' month except in October, when the Board secured a profit......