13th November 1964, Page 68
13th November 1964
Page 68
Page 68, 13th November 1964
Maiden Voyage
C OUPLED to an Atkinson tractive unit, this York Envoy 10-metre semi-trailer of Continental Ferry Trailers, Barking, was pfiotographed recently as it started off on its first......
News About Roads And Routes To Nqrwiciij A Changed Route
Suggestedifor M11 A S a basis for discussion with the local authorities affected, Mr. Tom Fraser, Minister of Transport, is suggesting a major change in the route of a......
Economic Road S Tudies Are Urged
A SERIES of comprehensive economic studies in towns, especially to evaluate the worth of roads in urban areas, was called for on Tuesday by Mr. A. C. Dune, vice-chairman of the......