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Lancashire Carriers Appeal Against Refusal
THE Transport Tribunal in London on 1 Tuesday was told by Mr. J. A. Backhouse that at the present time there was no throu g h parcels service by road from Preston to Westmorland......
'unusual Procedure' By L.a. Criticized
I N London on Friday, the Transport I Tribunal reached a decision on an appeal by Mr. E. W. I. Harrington, of Kin g sbury, a g ainst the refusal of the Metropolitan deputy......
Appeal Against Continental Fridge Trucks Fails
A N appeal a g ainst a plan to operate modern refri g erated lorries on return j ourneys to the Continent was dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in London last week. J. Wyatt......
Tribunal Agrees To Hear Booth Appeal A ' Expark'...
A. T. Booth (Manchester ) Ltd. of South Bank, Yorkshire. concerning their bid to uplift the wei g ht of two tractors and semi-trailers, which was refused by the North Western......