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Cable Layer
A horseshoe-shaped trailer chassis that opens toward the rear and which is equipped with a multi-position rack fitted to hydraulic lifting arms for the transportation and laying......
Hose Clips
Charterhurst has introduced a range of new hose clips. These hose clips, which are fitted as standard by Volvo and Saab, are available in chromated steel with a worm drive, in......
Equipment Brochure
A twelve-page brochure has been published which provides detail, and Illustrations of engineering services and products offered by DixonBate, Included In the brochure are......
Hot-wake Washers
Two high-pressure hot-water washer models are manufactured by Power Flow Engineering. One is called the Hot Power Five and delivers 2 gpm at 500 psi and the other the Hot Power......
A range of tail lifts in 10c■■ 30cwt and 1 ton capacity h been introduced by Ross a Bonnyman (Engineering). In standard specification the te lift offers leaf chain instead......