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Bring Back Proof Of Need, Urges Geo Newman
• Completion of the first 1000 miles of motorway provided the bone-structure of our modern highway system, but most of it followed the north-south pattern. So said Mr Eldon......
This Book Could Save You Is
This is the time of the year when most operators are looking at their vehicle replacement requirements. If you are in this position then you will find CM's vehicle replacement......
Transporters Start Self-help Scheme
• Twenty members of the RHA car transporters' national functional group have agreed to co-operate in a breakdown scheme — and some members have already put this innovation to......
Height Limit Survey
• A survey into the effects of the int' duction of a 4m height limit for commere vehicles and their loads is being carried c among its members by the Freight Trai port......
Hgv Instructors Get Together On National Basis
• The Institute of Heavy Goods Drivin Instructors, established previously in onl four of the 11 traffic areas set up under th 1968 Act, is to launch itself on a natio scale.......