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APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1966) Harry Priestley and Sons Ltd., Leeds, new A lic.. 4 veh. (180. Mainly machinery, pelts. foodstuffs and beer: mainly Yorks, Lancs. Midlands and the......
West Midland
APPLICATIONS (January 6,1966) Awe- - ; T. H. Butler Ltd., Wolverhampton, new A lic., 13 veh. (66-2t) Mainly enamel, wire goods, machinery, foodstuffs, chemicals, furnace parts,......
APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1966) T. A. Bulmer and Co. Ltd.. Middlesbrough In March, 1963, this company gave an undertaking to the LA that not more than four trailers exceeding 35......
APPLICATIONS (January 4,1966) I. A. Andrew, Blandford Forum. A var.. add 1 T. 189. Solid fuel, tiles and machinery, scrap, and sugar beet, within 200 miles. T. R. Bracey,......
North Western
APPLICATIONS (January 7, 1966) W.H.S. Transport Ltd., Liverpool, new A lic,. 8 veh. 112441. Newspapers periodicals books, stationery, toys and allied sundry goods. within 50......
South Wales
APPLICATIONS (January 5,1966) Cridlands Transport Ltd., Cardiff, A var., delete 3 veh. 12219. add 4 art. (28t). Mainly steel, asbestos, ships' stores and paint: South Wales,......
APPLICATIONS (January 6,1966) F. V. Carroll and Son Ltd., Hounslow. Micfcri, A var.: etcl 6 veh. (240. Worth and Langridge, Camberwell, London SE5, Aver. add 1 veh. (6it). E.......