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Ltb, Municipal And Company Pay Claims
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N EW pay claims are on the way for more than 200,000 workers in the three sections of Britain's road passenger industry— London Transport,......
Traffic Control By Computer
I N both London and Glasgow, moves are being made towards control of traffic by corn puler. A member of the University of Strathclyde, which is co-operating with the Road......
Roadliners For Darlington
qv( Daimler Roadliner rear-engined single deckers have been ordered by Darlington Corporation Transport for one-man bus services to be introduced at the end of this year. The......
Albion Vikings For Eatonways
'MEW coaches to be introduced this year by the Eatonways Group, of Birmingham, include four of the new Albion Viking VK43L rear-engined coaches with Park Royal bodies......
Panthers For Joint Hartlepools Service
HARTLEPOOL Corporation and West Hartlepool Corporation Transport have each ordered four Leyland Panther rearunderfloor-engined single-deck bus chassis to replace 65-seat......