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Where Have Designers Been
I NOTICE with interest, in a recent issue of CM that Volvo have now produced a version of their Citybus with 86 seats and an unladen weight of 9,380kg all be it with aluminium......
Luxury On Stage Service
ON A RECENT visit to London I travelled on a Volvo luxury coach with Van-Hool coachwork. An attractive lady courier was present to dispense snacks and answer questions. The......
Unfair Policeman
I WAS interested to read your article headed "Overlength artics" last week, but I believe there are a few points that were not covered. Firstly, there are a number of......
Measure Straight
THE ARTICLE by D. Wilcox on demountable bodies in the June 30th issue which questions the legality of the Contar extending 'A' frame used on the Ray Smith close coupled drawbar,......
Advice For The Mod
I HAVE just read your article about the new Scammell vehicles with the demountable body platforms the army is currently testing. If the army goes ahead with the 6 x 6 version......