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Isfrigoroute Lk The Stry Body Representing Iers In The...
sector, is iidering a uniform ranty on refrigerated es. and a health and safety iklist for all its members. group is also seeking idardised rear door ilture and security pment.......
Er-driver Mike Fry Has Olt A 26-tonne Lveco Otrakker 6x4
concrete or with a EuroTronic semi}mate box. Fry works for nac; he specified oTrenic to take the strain of working and driving nigh central London.......
Transfleet Is Offering Er Training As Part Of Its Tract-hire
portfolio—It led SCA Recycling reduce ident claims by 43% and rove fuel efficiency by ). Lox supplies the recycling ration with 93 vehicles.......
Zezi Polish-made Kormoran Ge Of Truck Tyres Is Now Liable
in the UK via the :pendent truck tyre lers in Michelin's Business antage Programme.......
Expansion Plans
• Volkswagen's T5, the long-awaited successor to the current T4 Transporter range, is "proceeding to schedule", according to Bernd Wiedemann of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles—......