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Mr. Brown Attacks Haulage Rates
B RITISH ROAD SERVICES will be LP investigated by the Prices Board, This was made plain by Mr. George Brown, the Economics Minister, durin g a Commons Debate on Tuesday. "Those......
Concessionary Fares —no Direction Ti E Minister Of...
last week in the Commons if he would g ive a direction to the Transport Holdin g Company to co-operate with local authorities in the introduction of concessionary fares in......
Brs Depot Closures T He Transport Holding Company...
road haulage companies it owns or controls use some 500 depots from which services start or finish, or from which collection and delivery services are operated. Mr. Tom Fraser......
No River/road Congestion
C ONGESTION was not being caused by the transfer of goods from river to road in London. Mr. Stephen Swingler told Mr. Tom Driberg last week.......
The Minister Of Transport Has Appointed Sir Alex Samuels As
his honorary adviser on road traffic. Sir Alex was appointed by the then Minister as his honorary adviser on London traffic management in 1961. This appointment necessarily......
Differential Tolls —no Decision Yet
N O decision has yet been made about differing tolls for vehicles using the new Severn Brid g e. This was made clear last week by Mr. Stephen Swin g ler, Parliamentary Secretary......
Defective Lights: Probe Coming
T HE AA report on vehicle li g htin g defects confirmed that too many drivers did not pay sufficient attention to their lights, Mr. Fraser said he would have the question of......