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Las Report No Better Standards
NAORE vehicles prohibited from use, LVImore operators prosecuted and no improvement in standards of vehicle maintenance forms the general basis of most of the Licensing......
Livestock Vehicles Shown By Rha
'THE livestock functional group L and national committee of the Road Haulage Association, at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, made available......
Normand To Distribute Mercedes
MORMAND (MAYFAIR) LTD., a I 11 subsidiary of J. Lyons and Co. Ltd., has been appointed UK distributor for Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain) Ltd. to deal with truck sales. With its......
Rates Rise Deferred Unless...
T HE national council of the Road Haulage Association in London on Wednesday agreed, with some reservation, to postpone the recommended five per cent haulage rates increase. The......
Hgv Driving Licences To Be Re-issued
M EMBERS of the Road Haulage Association were told at their annual dinner in London on Wednesday that licences for drivers of heavy goods vehicles are to be re-introduced. Issue......
Ford Russian Ran Successfully Completed
BY A. J. P. WILDING F OLLOWING a difficult 406-mile run on the last leg of the trip (see last week's issue) the convoy of Ford D-Series trucks and accompanying vehicles with......