14th November 1958, Page 46
14th November 1958
Page 46
Page 46, 14th November 1958
Test Plans Changed : To Start Nest Year
F OR le g al reasons chan g es have had to be made in the ar r an g ements for the compulsory testin g of vehicles (including commercial vehicles up to 30 cwt.) more than 10......
"ridiculous" To Seek Work On Motorway
CI A N application by Headlands Haula g e, Ltd., Ossett, Yorks, was described by the Yorkshire Licensin g Authority, last week, as "perfectly ridicalous." The company wanted to......
New Refuse Collector In Dennis Range
A S an addition to their established Paxit ran g e of barrier compression hi g h-capacity refuse collection vehicles. Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, have introduced a forward......