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Three Contract-a Vehicles Are Suspended For Two Months
S TAT1NG that Maurice James and Co., Ltd., Miles Lane, Coventry, had been en g a g ed to a co n siderable extent in breakin g the law over a period of four months, Mr. W. P.......
Minister Stops Higher Charges For Station
A S the result of a public in q uiry, the Minister of Transport has refused to allow 'Cheltenham Corporation to raise from 4d. to 7d. the char g e per departure for the use of......
False Evidence Put In By Objector
L•VIDENCE put forward by E. A. Major and Sons (Transport), Ltd.. Hi g hbrid g e, Somerset, when they objected to another haulier's application last September, was found to be......
More Deficits Likely On Buses
L'OLLOWING the pay awards to busmen, most operators are a g ain faced with the prospect of seekin g hi g her fares or institutin g more economies. At Merthyr (Glarn), the......