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Tibbett & Britten Williams
B rian Williams is the new chairman of Lowfield Distribution, Tibbett & Britten Group's grocery distribution division. He replaces John Toyne, who has resigned his TBG executive......
Parceline Key/moores
• Christine Key has replaced David Moores as sales manager at Parceline's Manchester depot; Moores now runs Trafford Park.......
Irving Transport Charlton
• Irving Transport Services of Newcastle has made Norman Charlton transport manager.......
La Franklin Halkett
• Roy Halkett, formerly of Maywood Haulage, has become transport manager for Watford-based operator LA Franklin.......
Red Star Mccallion
MI John McCallion is the new marketing manager at parcels carrier Red Star.......
Man Volkswagen Fall Ows
• Derek Fallows has been appointed fleet sales manager at MAN Volkswagen.......
Hays Distribution Jackson/ Mcloughlin
• David Jackson and Peter McLoughlin join the board of Hays Distribution as finance director and director.......