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Bsi Tackles Wheel-loss Puzzle
• A major dUltl step towards I ', solving the • I t great wheelloss mystery on trucks will this l be r■rolub" * ;""Z month e 06 wit when the......
0%, J222_- ---- First Quality Benchmarks For The...
CM's Wheel Loss Campaign, launched last year, raised more than £13,000 to pay for months of work by wheel design specialist Don Wright, who chairs the British Standards......
Unit 91 Goes For An Entente
• Small hauliers' co-operative UNIT 91 wants to link with the French owner-drivers' association behind last week's blockade of French motorways. UNIT's founder Mike Pickering......
Nm. `mm. •■■■• •■• Free Cm Bumper Sticker From Next
week, Commercial Motor readers will be able to say loud and clear what they think of the plan by Brussels bureaucrats to introduce a 50mph Euro truck speed limit. In CM's 21-27......
Two Bidders For York
• German trailer builder Schmitz and Ray Smith Demountables were this week believed to be front runners in the race to take over at least part of the York Group. Negotiations......
• Owner-driver David Hirst Of Doncaster, Has Taken On A
Foden 4300 eight-wheeler with 23m3 Wilcox aluminium tipper body. Hirst carries quarried stone for Marshalls Mono.......
Free Radio • Most Of The 2,665 Cb Users Checked
by the Department of Trade and Industry's Radiocommtmications Agency over the past month did not have licences.......
Cool Question • Transfrigoroute (uk) Is Calling On Maff For
detailed guidelines on the type of temperature recorders most of its 105 members will have to fit by 1993.......
O'brien Resigns
• Former Eezee Euro executive Bernard O'Brien has resigned from Widnes Export Services, which says it does not want to be associated with the failed clearing house. Eezee Euro......
Southern Claim • The Road Haulage Association Has Received A
wage claim from the Southern region calling for increases in wages and UK and continental subsistence.......
_lap Attack
• One in five light commercial vehicles sold in Europe could be Japanese by the end of the decade, according to an FT report.......