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Renewal Postponed—as Penalty
A BRISTOL haulage contractor who had prohibition orders issued against him in respect of some of his vehicles had since taken disciplinary action against himself and reduced his......
Objectors Withdraw
A N application by C. and J. (Agencies) • Ltd., Bristol, to add four vehicles to their B licence was granted at Bristol last week by the deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. C.......
No Objection—so 'weak' Claim Succeeds
THE Metropolitan LA last week issued awritten decision granting an application for the variation of a B licence by Van Oppen and Co. (1935) Ltd., shipping and forwarding agents......
'bread From Our Mouths' Protest Fails
A NEWCASTLE upon Tyne firm of engineering contractors was last we granted five B licences by the Northe Licensing Authority, Mr. John Hanlondespite a protest that firms of this......
Depot Appeal Fails
MR. J. PALLFTT, who appealed against 1 ' arefusal of Leicestershire County Cour to grant him planning permission to set 14 transport depot and garage on a site off Ravi stone......