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In Your Opinion
lobs mystery VHERE DO all the good transport jobs go—or perhaps not so iuch where but HOW do they go? My husband, a transport and istribution manager with many years' experience......
Diculous Charges
-IAVE just got around to reading the issue of COMMERCIAL )TOR of September 23 and must tell you how impressed I was h the letter from "Small Coach Operator," Scotland. Never......
Association Promoters We Wish To Refer To The Issue Of
COMMERCIAL MOTOR of August 26 and to page 72 under the heading "New Companies." This is inaccurate in that it gives the name of a Mr. H. R. Hale of London Road, Meir Heath, as a......
Type Approval Your Report Of The Recent Maintenance...
Bristol (COMMERCIAL MOTOR October 7) gives an unfortunate and inaccurate picture of my views on Type Approval and the maintenance position in general. In my talk I expressed a......