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Good Relations In Scotland
E XCELLENT relations existed in Scotland between local authorities and the Traders' Road Transport Association, who were invariably consulted when it was proposed to introduce......
Flying Squad Raid Thieves' Hide-out
1 - 3. A HARD blow at lorry-robbing gangs was delivered by Scotland Yard's Flying Squad on Tuesday night. Detectives raided a piggery at Hornsey and reccivered two loads of......
Coach Operators Want Quid Pro Quo
A T the same time as they accepted the North Western Traffic Commissioners' proposals to prohibit linking on six of their licences, four Bury coach operators and Ribble Motor......
New Role For Old Tram Depot ,
T HE former . London Transport tram depot in Norwood Road, London, S.E.27, was opened on Monday as a distribution centre by Domestos, Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, manufacturers of......