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'flexible' Policy On Hush Kits
I WAS GLAD to see CM report Dave Wetzel as saying "The GLC would also be flexible over the need to fit hush kits" when he was speaking at the RHA conference. At the same time, I......
Where's Charles Atlas, Then?
WEIGHT distribution is a common headache to all hauliers and I feel it unfair that only readers of the leading meat trades paper should know of the simple answer. In a recent......
Motor Industry Is Odd Man Out
THE REPORT "Van ads rumpus" (CM December 1) indicates that comparative advertising is permitted in this country but not in Germany or most other European countries. This is not......
Eightfold Increase
WE WERE interested to see part of one of our shareholder information posters reproduced in your current issue. But I would just point out that the value of an original......